Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring time!

The racing season was really short for the dogs this year. The races we indented to participate on were only a few. There was too many cancelled races, like Ruuhirod and later the mid distance race in Metsäkartano as well. Äkry was our last race of the season, and it was just a sprint where we Hottis and Muru were learning race behavior.

We weren’t informed on Metsäkartano being cancelled in time. We’d travelled all the way to Vaajakoski, when we met the Nikmo team with their Alaskan Malamutes on a gas station. They told us that the mid distance race’s cancelled, but the sprint race will be held. Suvi phoned the organizer and was told that our team was signed in for the sprint race. Suvi checked her sent emails to see if she’d made a mistake, but we had indeed signed in for the mid distance race. All in all, it was a lucky meeting with the Nikmos. Otherwise we’d travelled all the way to Rautavaara for nothing.

Then came Ruunaa Race. At the time of the race we didn’t have enough snow left here in south, so the roads were on sand and training on sled was impossible. The dogs had got in quite bad shape already, because training was possible only on an ATV, so they weren’t fast enough to race.

Even without races to look forward to, we’ve been training the dogs for fun. And to keep them from getting too wild. And to keep them in shape obviously. There’s been some changes in our pack and I’ve been using the spring time to group a team for next season training. The Nordysak C litter has joined in my first team and my C litter dogs have left it. Actually two of the Good Mushing C dogs have moved into new homes.

Another very sad departure was Jade passing away. She didn’t give us a warning, she was in good shape and a happy dog, but unfortunately we discovered she’s got a tumor and she won’t live long with it. We had to make the decision to put her down, because we didn’t want her to suffer. She’ll be greatly missed. When younger, Jade was the big heart in our racing team and as she got older, she ran in front of yearlings teaching them working routines.

We had plans for breeding Jade for the last time, but unfortunately the time wasn’t right for it earlier and now she’s no longer with us. We have another litter coming up though. Pimu visited Sweden a few weeks ago to meet a nice boy called Fugitive’s Riven. Breeding was a success and signs show that she most likely will get puppies in May.

A few photos from last weekend. First of all, Suvi drove the dogs on Saturday. The team being Beck, Mimmi, Pimu, Kajsa, Putte, Bambi, Keke and Hottis

And we drove them together yesterday, with Pimu and Muru switching teams:
Beck, leader
Mimmi, leader
Bambi, swing
Kajsa, swing
Muru, team
Putte, team
Keke, wheel
Hottis, wheel


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