Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dark winter

The only discussion topic for a sled dog owner, living this far south of Finland, is the weather. We’ve still got no snow. We had a couple of white weeks in early December, but all the snow disappeared in heavy rain we also had. Xmas was dark, and also very dark are all of our moods because the dogs should get more training kilometers. I’ve had to change my training, because with this weather, I can’t participate in long distance races. I decided to head for the mid distance, but still, no snow means I can’t train the dogs run fast, because their sore feet.

The weather being as it is, I’ve been training the dogs on an ATV. The problem with ATV is that the dogs have to work too hard, and they build up more muscles than I would want. And have less speed. Still, with all the difficulties, they’re doing a great job, and the spirit is high. 

The first race is on the weekend of January 27th to 29th. I’m participating on 8 dogs class on 3 x 35km mid distance race. Will see if I have a chance to train the dogs on sled at all before the race start… I don’t have much expectations for the races, I’m just hoping the dogs will do their best and we’ll have a nice run together.

Difficulties or not, I can’t wait to see what next year brings with it.
